Wednesday, August 25, 2010

goodbye, summer 2010.

It was a good one. Wait, no. A great one. So many experiences I wasn't expecting, and I would not trade a single one. Looking back, it felt like the longest summer ever, but the shortest yet. I apologize in advance for how poorly organized this post is...exhaustion literally consumes me, but I wanted to post this while it was still technically summer. Here we go, looking back.

Driving home, I was sad. I knew I was leaving behind a whole life in Irvine that I wouldn't get back for at least three months. Part of me was happy, knowing I would be back in that time. But the fact that I would be leaving behind my three best friends at school and they wouldn't be returning for our sophomore year is what killed me. 
These girls became my world, especially during the last half of our year. I can honestly say these girls were some of the most genuine, AMAZING girls I have ever met. Can't believe we're spread across the country now, but we're all where we're supposed to be. You three mean so much to me and I cannot wait to be reunited...whenever that may be!! Don't forget: ALWAYS CLASSY, NEVER TRASHY. love you :)

As soon as I got over the fact that I can't control the world and what's meant to be, I moved on. I was back home, back in the city I was born and raised in: San Jose, California. After not being there for more than 5 days total from January to May, it was nice to be back. I was back with my BEST friend in the entire world, miss Alyssa Marie Woody. 
Let's just say we're the same person, so when we're together, things go a little crazy. To put it quite simply, San Jose was in for quite the treat.

I was happy to be home, but not too happy to start work at a new Starbucks three days later. I showed up on my first day a little hesitant, not knowing if I would like this store like my Costa Mesa store, or if the partners would like me. But by the end of the first day, I knew it was going to be a great summer with these partners. Within the first week, I felt like I had been there for months. This store soon became my second home; if I got bored or just needed to get away from life, I ended up there. Usually telling Anthony and John why my life was ridiculous or laughing with Kaylee about things the two of them were doing. I enjoyed being at work, whether on or off the clock, more than being most places. San Jose may be a big city, but after living there for 18 years, I find very few of its attractions exciting. So I kept it simple this way. To make a long story short, I loved the store I was placed at for the summer. I mainly loved my coworkers and their abilities to make my day without trying and just know how to have fun or make me laugh. I can't believe I'm leaving you all to go back to my original store. Just know I love you all and can't wait to visit...or work with you again if I'm back next summer :)

After a month and a half of working 30-35 hours per week, my real summer began. It was finally July, which if you know me, is my favorite month of summer. Ever since I can remember, my first week of July has been spent at the beautiful Lake Shasta in Lakeshore, California. It's a 5 hour drive, but it's worth every mile.
This picture doesn't do it justice whatsoever, but it's all I can find right now. After two years of the lake being extremely low...the lake was finally GORGEOUS. Being about 5 feet below shoreline when we got there, it was amazing. I got to spend it with my best friend Alyssa, sister, Shawn, Amber, mom, and dad. On July 4th, Heather got to experience something she wasn't quite expecting ENGAGEMENT ring :)

Seeing as how I knew it was coming for a while, I was rather happy when it finally happened. And so the wedding planning began...literally that night. But the next morning we were back out on the lake, having fun all over again. The highlight of my week, on the lake at least, was being able to wakeboard again. After my surgery last summer, I wasn't able to. But I was right back into it when I got to Shasta. To my surprise, I popped right up on my first try, and the rest was history :)
After 8 days of being on the lake, Alyssa, Heather, Shawn, Amber, and I headed back to San Jose, leaving my parents to have a relaxing week of their own in the cabin. I thought I would get some time to relax and sleep a bit, but I had two days of work coming, early mornings to be exact. And as soon as those were done, I was off to New Orleans for the National Youth Gathering were I would be working as a Young Adult Volunteer. 

Words cannot describe how amazing NOLA was. The city, ever after Katrina, is so amazing. There is so much culture, so much life - something you don't always find in California. The people I was working with at the gathering, simply AMAZING. My team was more than I could have imagined. And aside from that, the gathering itself was amazing. Seeing 25,000 high schoolers gathering to learn about and praise God - AMAZING. Leaving happened sooner than I wished, but I felt good walking away knowing that we had spent 49 MILLION dollars in a city who needed it most. And that is a good feeling.

I was home after the week in NOLA for a short 18 hours or so. I was then off to Southern California to spend a week and a half visiting my sister and other people in Orange County. It was exactly what I needed. I got to share amazing times with my sister and Shawn, as well as see people I hadn't seen since May when I left to go home. I know it's cliche, but time flies when you're having fun. And that's exactly what happened. Before I knew it, I was driving back to San Jose for my last three weeks of summer.
My last three weeks weren't the most entertaining. But it was three weeks I needed to spend with my friends and family. I worked a bit, not as much as earlier in the summer, so I had some time to myself. I began to realize how lucky I was to have an amazing life in San Jose, with wonderful people and my family. I couldn't ask for anything more. 
San Jose may not always be exciting, but it's what I call home. I lived there 17 years, and it took an 18th to realize how lucky I am to be there, even if it's not full time anymore.
And now, I'm back in Irvine. All moved into my dorm, and ready to let the new year begin. With class starting at 7:30 AM tomorrow morning, it's all becoming real to me. I'm not just on another vacation anymore...I'm back in home number two :)
It's just us four and Zeta 102...let the fun resume :) Here's to sophomore year...<3

never forget to dream,
xoxo, L.

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