I've always been one to smile. There's a good chance that I was smiling the second I was born, and I haven't stopped since. Okay, so maybe that is just a bit of an exaggeration. There have definitely been the times in my life when I didn't think I could ever smile again. But who hasn't had those?
My momma used to tell me, "Lisa, smile. You're prettier when you smile."
And being the stubborn young girl I used to be (and still am?) I wanted so badly to think that she was wrong. A smile couldn't make me that much prettier. But as soon as she said it a few more times, it got through that thick head of mine. So I made sure I always had a smile on my face. And still make sure I have a smile on my face.
A lot of the time, I still catch myself frowning or looking angry when it's so easy to. I'm in a fight with a friend, a piece of my heart breaks off, or the world just seems to be out to get me. But I smile. And sometimes it takes someone reminding me or asking what's wrong for me to plant that smile back on my face. But as soon as I remember, it's right back.
And maybe sometimes I shouldn't stick that smile on. Maybe sometimes I need to accept that I'm upset and take some time to myself to figure out what is wrong. Or just to cry and feel better. And when I'm alone, I'll cry my eyes out.
But as soon as someone else is around, I'll cry with a smile on my face. Most of the time it's because I feel stupid for crying and admit it to whoever I'm talking to. I just know happiness breeds good times and friendships, so I try to stick that smile back where it belongs.
Perhaps I'm always smiling because I just want to make other people happy. Most of the time I smile in hopes that someone will see the smile on my face and put a smile on theirs. I know it works for me. I don't want to be the party pooper with a frown when everyone else is showing their gorgeous smiles.
So I smile.
And if there's one thing I can do for you today, it's make you smile with my smile. Or in some other way. Life is to beautiful to be upset. Look around at the beauty, the blessings. Stop focusing on what you don't have, or what could be better, or what is going wrong. There's way too much positive around to dwell on the negative. That's what I had to learn myself. And yes, maybe you have to look a little harder for the happy things...but I promise it's worth it :)
never forget to dream (and smile),
xoxo, L.